
Existential loneliness

A stranger
who had become a friend, than a lover
than a stranger again
said after the seduction that he was a realist
"I refuse to be "one" with the whole
I demand my diversity for healthy evolution"

he than shared his fantasy of galtic domination
and wondered if I would like to be a slave

I didn't tell him my fantasy
cause he never asked
and for some reason I fall into the passive role too easily

I watched the charade be played out
seduced by plausibilities
stood beside the shadow of the projection statues we created
watched the shadows move like a sun dial
within the passage of time

it might be true
that love is the strongest force there is
within the tug a war of boundaries
music within the moaning of rope
and the imperfect perfection of it all

but eventualy indifference might be just as strong
to find that what you once were passionate about
now bores you



scratched a hole in the wall
I was in one of my nervous moods
thinking too much about references and details
reading too many articles about global warming
about the polluting anti-life mutants
imposing progress

in a time when the criminals were not impeached

so I scratched a hole in the wall
the hole did not break through to the other side
did not let fresh air in
but became deep enough to create a secret vault

I put one of my love poems in it
the ones I write as a raft
for the mindstream whirlpool possibilitys
of a schizophrenic crack-up
the ones I write but never give

across the room from the new hole
is a mirror on top of a dresser
below it drawers to keep my socks and underwear organized

I see my reflection
at the moment I don't think it accurately represents me
these features incasing me

the mirror has a slight crack
this is the first time I noticed it
but now that I do it's familiar
almost soothing
like a portal for change


photo by br1ckhouse